Our Services

We provide full assessment and diagnosis of children and adolescents, with an emphasis on autism spectrum disorders, and all evelopmental conditions. We also design treatment plans for children with developmental delays, emotional disturbances, and learning disabilities.

  • Autism Spectrum disorders
  • Developmental delays
  • Emotional disturbances
  • Learning disabilities
  • ABA (applied behavior analysis)
  • Autismo
  • Retardo mental
  • Disturbios Emocionales
  • Dificultades de aprendizaje
  • ABA

Our staff consults with a bilingual psychiatrist who provides medication assessment for those children and youth suffering from co-morbid conditions, like Autism and severe Attention Deficit Disorder.

We practice our belief in interacting with the child’s family, his supporting environment, school, and treating professionals in order to provide the best comprehensive service possible.

  • Assessment and diagnosis of children suffering from Attention Deficits Disorders with or without Hyperactivity, and school/home related interventions.

  • Collaboration with the school districts (particularly with the Special Education Department) , referrals and follow ups with prescribing physicians.

  • Interventions with parents and extended family members to address the needs of children with developmental challenges.

  • Provision of speech and occupational therapy to address the receptive, expressive and pragmatic deficits displayed by children in the autistic spectrum and other developmental disorders.

  • Psychological assessment of children who are being considered for adoption, and counseling with adopting families.

  • Intervention with children and families who have been victims of physical and/or sexual abuse.


We accept most Medicaid plans, Value Options, United Behavioral Health, and most major plans.

Psicologo Clinico y Farmacologo niños y adolecentes , Psiquiatra. Niños con retardo mental, tratamiento para victimas de abuso sexual, coordinadora ante la corte.


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